Tentative Rehearsal Schedule Christmas 2019
- 9/10 Tues Production Meeting 6:30-8:00
- 9/12 Th. 5:30-7:00 Act I sc. 1 (Children, Ebeneezer, Cratchitt, his broom and Fred. Also a bit of choreography for SCVC#4 and SCVC #5 which are just Scrooge and Cratchitt)
- 9/14 Sat. 9:00-10:30 Act I sc. 2 (Scrooge and children, Yishon, Shayla, Matthew) 10:45-12:00 Opening Song (Jasmine, David, Scott, Jessica, Joe, Annie) 1:00-2:30 Act I sc. 5 (Jacob Marley)
- 9/16 Mon.5:30-7:00 Act 1 scs. 7,8,9 (Christmas Past)
- 9/17 Tues. 5:30-7:00 Act I scs. 10-11 (Fezziwig “Laughter in My Feet)
- 9/19 Thurs 5:30-7:00 (Act I sc. 12-13 Young Ebeneezer and Belle) Pencil in scene 13 before (Reprise)
- 9/21 Sat. (Tentatively Sanctuary, otherwise designated) 9:00-10:30 Act I sc. 3 (“Christmas Gets in the Way” Scrooge” ensemble sing) 10:45-12:00 (Ensemble block SAME scene) Also, rehearse movement of Act I sc. 4 SCVC#13 1:00-2:30 Act 1 sc. 4-5 starting with SCVC# 16 theme (Marley)
- 9/23 Mon. 5:30-7:00 Act I sc. 12 (Scrooge, Past, Young Eb, Belle, Fezziwig’s not yet “Treasures of My Heart”)
- 9/24 Tues 5:30-7:00 Act I sc. 13 (Scrooge, Past, Belle, Young Eb.) also Act II sc. 2 ( Christmas Present speaking part)
- 9/26 Th. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 1 (“I Love Life” production song)
- 9/28 Sat. 9:00-1030 Act II sc. 2 Cratchitt’s (dialogue) 10:45-12:00 (All cast vocals of Opening “Hearts Full of Christmas”) 1:00-2:30 (All Cast vocals “Christmas Gets in the Way”
- 9/30 Mon. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc.2 (Cratchitt family “Hearts Full of Christmas”)
- 10/1 Tues. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 3-4 (Scrooge, Present, Fred, his wife etc.)
- 10/3 Th. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 4-5 (Scrooge, nephew, Present wife, ensemble etc.)
- 10/5 Sat. 9:00-10:30 Act III sc. 1 and (song “You’re so Special”) 10:45-12:00 Act III “Your So Special (Cast ensemble) 1:00-2:30 QUESTIONS (Costumes, program, posters, misc.)
- 10/7 Mon. 5:30-7:00 Act III sc. 3-4 (Scrooge Cratchitts Fred, Wife Present etc.)
- 10/8 Tues. 5:30-7:00 Act III sc 4-5 (Scrooge, Fred, Wife, Present)
- 10/10 Th. 5:30-7:00 Act III scs. 1 and 3-5
- 10/12 Sat 9:00-10:30 Introduce Finale song “Keeping Christmas the Whole Year Through”(Auctioneer, boy, Scrooge) 10:15-12:00 Act III sc. 6 Main singers cast…continue until 1 and close out)
- 10/14 Mon. 5:30-7:00 (Little or no scripts/prompting) Act I scenes 1-3
- 10/15 Tues. 5:30-7:00 (Little or no scripts/prompting) Act 1 scs. 5-6 (Jacob Marley, Scrooge)
- 10/17 Th. 5:30-7:00 (L or NS/P) Act I scs. 6-9 (Scrooge and Past)
- 10/19 Sat. 9:00-10:30 (L or NS/P) Act I sc. 3 (“Christmas Gets in the Way” ensemble) Also, choreography for Belle and Young Ebeneezer. (Schedule separate extra rehearsals for this scene.) Act I sc. 2 10:15-12:00 (“Laughter in My Feet” ensemble) 1:00-2:30 Act I scs. 4, 10 13
- 10/21 Mon. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 1 (Focus no script “I Love Life”)
- 10/22 Tues. 5:30-7:00 Act I sc. 12 (Focus no script “Treasures of My Heart’…include dance)
- 10/24 Th. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 2 (Cratchitts Focus no script)
- 10/26 Sat. 9:00 10:30 Dance rehearsals “You’re So Special”, Opening, Misc. for Dancers. Demon Dancers 10:30-11:00. 11:00 11:30; Mandatory ALL Cast meeting for updates. 11:30-12:00 Dancer Demons
- 10/28 Mon 5:30-7:00 Act III sc. 1 (Ghost Future) Any other work necessary…Fezziwig, Cratchitts. Dance also Auctioneer “You’re So Special” (Kids?) “Laughter in My Feet”@ 4:30 pm.
- 10/29 Tues. 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 1 Present “I Love Life”) Any other work necessary…Freds party scene all involved complete with end song/exit
- 10/31 Th 5:30-7:00 Act II sc. 2 (Cratchitts “Hearts Full of Christmas”) Any other work necessary…All Cratchitt review including song and finale.
- 11/2 Sat. 9:30-12:00 (Opening and Closing Numbers with entire cast. (Includes Dancers) Include exit in Opening Number) Also, 12:00-1:00 “You’re So Special”
- 11/4 Mon. 5:30-7:30 Act I scs.1-5 Straight run-through with video no scripts/prompting if necessary. Positions for Production numbers no songs.
- 11/5 Tues. 5:30-7:30 Act I scs. 6-13 Straight run-through with video no scripts/prompting if necessary BE PROMPT. (Will have spotter/Prompter for cues and positions
- 11/7 Th. 5:30-7:30 Positions for Production numbers no songs.
- Act II scs. 1-5 Straight run-through with video no scripts/prompting if necessary
- 11/9 Sat. 9:00-1:00 ALL CAST (Including Dancers ALL 7 main production numbers) In Sanctuary “Opening”, “Christmas Gets in the Way” “Laughter in My Feet” “Treasures of My Heart”, “Hearts Full of Christmas”, You’re So Special” and “Finale”
- 11/11 Mon OFF Veteran’s Day
- 11/12 Tues. 5:30-7:00 Act III sc. 1-2 (Solicitor ensemble Production # “You’re So Special” with video) *Possible Sanctuary (needed)
- 11/14 Th. 5:30-7:00 Act III sc. 6 (All Cast Production # “Finale” with video) *Possible Sanctuary (needed)
- 11/16 Sat. 9:00-10:00, 10 Act III scenes 4-5 10:00-12:00 Act III scs. 1-6 ALL CAST Both production Numbers. Scrooge solo scenes. Need tech and assistant/to stay. 12:00-finish
- 11/18 Mon. 5:30-7:30 All of ACT I (including Opening) and including video. no mics yet. Sanctuary (needed)
- 11/19 Tues 5:30-7:30 All of ACT II and including video, no mics yet. Sanctuary (needed)
- 11/21 Th. 5:30-7:30 All of ACT III and including video, no mics yet. Sanctuary (needed)
- 11/23 Sat. 9:00-10:00 ALL CAST (discussion, prayer, issues, questions) 10:00-11:30 Costumes) 11:30-1:00 Transitions entire show. Sanctuary (needed)
- 11/25 Mon. 5:30-7:30 (Anyone involved in sets, decorations, costumes…anyone needing help with any of this… Director will select portions of show needing work for next rehearsal.
- 11/26 Tues. 5:30-7:30 (Designated scenes needing work) ( DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION)
- 11/30 Sat. 9:00 till whenever…sets go up, (hopefully including bed) Decorations, Props, anyone that can help…please feel free to get involved.
- 12/2 Mon. 5:30-7:30 (Stop and Start Entire Show for transitions) All Cast No tech Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/3 Tues. 5:30-7:30 (Stop and Start Entire Show for Transitions) All Cast All tech video and mics. (for mics, just do checks and save batteries) Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/4 Wed. 5:30-7:30 Run Each PRODUCTION All Cast # 1) Opening, #2) “Christmas Gets in the Way” #3) “You’re So Special” #4) Finale All Tech All video Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/7 Sat. 9:30-12:00 All tech (mics)/sets/props etc. 2:00-5;30 or finish Speed thru of all scenes whole show (including all tech) all video transitions check Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/9 Mon. 5:30-Finish All ACT I and II (mics, video partial costumes TRANSITIONS Stop Start) Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/10 Tues 5:30-Finish All ACT III (mics, video partial costumes TRANSITIONS Stop Start) Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/11 Wed 5:30-Finish Entire SHOW (mics, video partial costumes TRANSITIONS Stop Start) Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/12 Th 5:30-Finish DRESS REHEARSAL ENTIRE SHOW! Sanctuary (needed)
- 12/13 Fri 6;00 SHOW OPENS @ 7:00…Be here no later than an hour before the show!
- 12/14 Sat. 6:00 SHOW STARTS @ 7:00…Be here no later than an hour before the show!
- 12/20 Fri. 6:00 SHOW STARTS @ 7:00…Be here no later than an hour before the show!
- 12/21 Sat. 6:00 SHOW STARTS @ 7;00…Be here no later than an hour before the show!
- 12/22 Sun. 6:00 SHOW STARTS @ 7:00…Be here no later than an hour before the show!
- 12/23 Mon. Tear Down starts in morning around 10:am please come to help if you can…
- CAST PARTY location and date TBD!