Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible

An Orphan in the City


approx 75 min
Sound Byte
Support Files
A great play for youth dealing with the struggle to put their Christianity to the test. A young Christian boy (Eddy) is orphaned and his whole life since then has been a walk of faith. After having run away several times, he is united with a policeman who wants desperately to trust him, but finds it difficult considering the circumstances. The story takes place in an inner city setting and includes a powerfully explosive rap version of Amazing Grace. Of course a suspicious wife, a mischievous sidekick and a gang of bullies don’t exactly help matters, as Eddy is falsely accused of doing something wrong and in trying to make things right, almost gets killed. A great story of how Godly integrity will always overcome what seems to be hopeless and how God’s purposes will always be accomplished if we trust Him. Stock ID PLAY-Orphan in City



Cast: 6 2 0