Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible



Galen’s One-Man Show and Ministry

If you would like help setting up a production orriented ministry at your church/school/organization, Galen will be glad to come. The following is possible.

Performances Whether with a THEATRICAL TROUPE or as a ONE-MAN-SHOW, Galen has entertained and ministered to audiences for more than thirty years. Having played characters ranging from Hamlet to the Cowardly Lion to Ebenezer Scrooge to doing commercials as Charles Chaplin, an evening of ministry is not long forgotten. Because of a vast repertoire of material, including comedy, drama and mime, a performance is wonderfully enjoyable, exquisitely professional, enhanced with audio and visual effects and by the grace of God, lovingly anointed. Every piece performed is poignant in its message and extremely relevant to any audience. Whether you are looking for a 10-15 minute time slot, a half hour, hour, or an entire evening of ministry, you can easily be accommodated. And please be encouraged to include the entire family and that means the children, as they will have a blast!  

Galen’s Biography


Youth and Children
Because Galen has served as a children’s pastor for over 10 years as well as written, directed and performed for children’s television, areas offered for children include:
Service: A series of skits/mime/clown (Murphry) message oriented and can include praise and worship. Would include games, contests, and you can provide prizes.
Crusade: 1-3 days/nights with similar components and usually theme oriented. Would work collaboratively with what you wanted.
Camps: Each chapel service would include similar activities with specific message oriented skits, games, etc. and opportunities for alter services.
*Often times in one complete Sunday, a common occurrence would be a morning of ministry for the children and then an evening of ministry for the adult service which would include the children.

*To come in for a workshop, a suggested progression would be the regular weekend workshop which would culminate with a full Sunday of ministry as previously suggested.

*In both instances, a short teaser for the morning service usually attracts a much larger gathering in the evening service.

For camps, conferences, workshops or other events Galen may still be able to accommodate your needs during the week. Arrangements may possibly be made. (Summers are currently open)
