Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible

Multi-Media Productions

14DSC_3660                                Schedule 2016 (open)

                                                                               Ebeneezer the Musical & An American Parade are currently on hiatus…as a new musical production…The  Gospel of John is currently being created.


John, one of the original twelve disciples, re-tells his gospel while various characters re-live what happened.  In this uniquely told rendition, however, Jesus appears and interacts with everyone while seen entirely on screen.  Just like the aforementioned shows, real-time video and music is synchronized with live performance.  Beautiful and emotional songs as well as contemporary and historical scenes from the Middle East as well as America are intertwined in preparation of the ushering in of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!