Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible

Download Standards of Conduct for Participants

Theatrical Ministries Inc. TMI (DRRA)

Standards of Conduct for Participation in TMI Production and Ministry

  1. TMI reserves the right (whether through an audition or interview process) to restrict and or prohibit the participation of anyone desirous of involvement in a TMI production or activity.
  2. Because TMI is a ministry, it is imperative that all those participating in any way understand so. They must not only be familiar with the Statement of Faith and Standards of Conduct laid out by TMI, but all performers, technicians and any other participants must sign a Declaration of Agreement.  Failure to do so could possibly and most likely will disqualify their ability to participate.
  3. TMI believes in outreach to everyone and that includes performers, Therefore, while the preference is to include “Born Again” Christians who are living victorious lives, participants must acknowledge the sovereignty of God and His purpose for the redemption of mankind. It is through the production/ministry and discipleship process that a genuine relationship with the Lord Jesus becomes a reality for those who may not have one and is strengthened for those who already do.
  4. Tobacco (including e-cigarettes or anything vape related) and or alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the property at any time.
  5. Unmarried couples as well as Married couples use discretion relative to displays of affection while at rehearsal or any time during the process of the production.
  6. Dress with modest attire.
  7. All backstage conversation should be as quiet as possible and of a wholesome nature. Cursing and foul language are forbidden.
  8. All Cast members are required to participate in p r a y e r during rehearsals, and before performances. We would ask that you pray of your own accord for the ministry as well.  Also, if Praise and Worship is part of the performance night, unless otherwise indicated, it is an expectation to participate as well.
  9. Cast members are not allowed on stage in costume before the performance.
  10. All Cast and Crew are to be ready at the designated time before the performance begins.
  11. ATTITUDE is of the utmost importance. Praise and encouragement are the best weapons against negative and critical attitudes.
  12. Adherence to the Cast and Crew Handbook as it sets guidelines for costumes, photo releases, medical releases, use of copyrighted TMI materials, guest seating, electronic devices, prayer etc. must be maintained at all times. Failure to do so may result in removal from participation.
  13. The ministry operates with the oversight of functional authority. Therefore, all leaders, directors, and department heads must receive your respect and cooperation.
  14. Remember, while this is a production in which the audience will be entertained, it is first and foremost a ministry by which the objective is to glorify the Lord Jesus and therefore, accomplish His will. AMEN!

Declaration of Receipt, Review and Acceptance


By typing your name below, you  acknowledge that you have access and have been directed to the Theatrical Ministries Inc. TMI Handbook, Statement of Faith and Standards of Conduct, and that you have read and understand those documents.  You also agree to comply with the Standards of Conduct and the rules and guidelines set forth and or as designated by the Director in the Cast and Crew Handbook.  Also, if there were consent forms applicable to your involvement or your children’s involvement,  you have given the appropriate information to the director and your signature indicates your compliance in that regard as well.

Electronic Signature ( Your name below serves as the acceptance of the Standards of Conduct)

Electronic Signature