Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible

Parable Skits

Parable Skits


Icon Key
Male roles
Female roles
Interchangeable roles


Parable skits are meant to be used as interesting background for sermons built around the words and concepts of the ministry of Jesus.  These skits can be humorous as well as poignant and can run anywhere from 3-7 minutes, dependent on delivery. They are simple in concept, but deep in meaning. 

Although they can be more effective when memorized and presented with lights and sound, they are also simple enough to be used as reader’s theater in the simplest of settings, for instance, a Sunday School room.

Humor is a major part of each of these skits, but each one of them should leave listeners with the meaning strong and clear.

Have fun!