TMI user/agreement Terms and Conditions
As it is the very heart of TMI to equip and empower those using their material to reach the lost as well as minister to all and anyone in need of a touch from the hand of God, the use and potential abuse of their material is a matter of integrity. And while the licensing fees and contracts are necessary to finance the work and vision of TMI, as well as to maintain that integrity, TMI is still a ministry. Therefore, we would anticipate those using any of the material to adhere to Godly expectations as it pertains to said material because it is still a reflection of the ministry and intent of TMI.
1. Purchase of TMI material is approved immediately upon accurate and correct completion of the application as well as agreement with the licensing terms and hence, any inaccurate or misinformation on the application may (at TMI's discretion) nullify this agreement.
2. The use of any TMI materials is limited to the specific time indicated and limited to use for rehearsal and production. Performances must take place on the dates specified and in the location(s) designated. Any proposed changes must receive prior written approval from TMI in order to be effective.
3. The play(s) musical(s) must be presented only as published by Theatrical Ministries Inc. without any changes, additions, alterations, or deletions to the text. These restrictions shall include, without limitation, not altering, updating, or amending the time, locales, or settings of the play(s) musical(s) in any way. The genders of the characters may not be changed or altered in any way. The production must be performed with women playing women and men playing men, unless TMI has emphasized flexible casting possibilities. The title may not be altered in any way.
4. The re-distribution or sale of any of TMI’s products by the user is strictly prohibited and is subject to penalties as indicated by federal law and Title 17. (This includes the sale of TMI’s scripts, workshops and or music.)
5. Whenever TMI’s material is used whether in print (playbills, programs etc. for promotion, for rehearsal, or for preparation) for live performance or videotaped, credit and or acknowledgment must be given (in written form) to TMI in the name of Theatrical Ministries Inc. including the TMI logo and in size and prominence of type equal to 50% of the largest letter used for the title(s) of the play(s) or musical(s).
6. TMI’s agreement is with the acknowledged ministry/organization using their material. Hence, the sharing of or lending to any other ministry/organization is prohibited.
7. If a school, church, ministry, or any other organization has entered into an individual agreement with TMI, the terms and conditions of said agreement are strictly confidential and discussion of said agreement with any other entity is strictly forbidden and therefore, a breach of that agreement is subject to the immediate termination of the agreement.
8. Scripts for play(s) musical(s) may be used in conjunction for the performance only and any other use is strictly prohibited.
9. All sound effects, music, vocal(rehearsal) performance (instrumental, which for show may include sound effects) copies (if made) are either to be destroyed, deleted (if files) returned to TMI or stored and any re-use or distribution in any way is prohibited.
10. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the price for a TMI play or musical is set based upon the licensing fee as indicated on the shopping cart on the TMI website.

Acknowledgement of Terms and Agreement
I have read and do agree to the TMI User Terms and Conditions policies and I accept them.