Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible

An American Parade

A Brand New Musical Chronicling the history of America In Music!

If you are interested in hosting a 2-person show of An American Parade, we can do so for you.  A condensed version of the original, (Approx. 75 min.) real-time video and music is synchronized with live performance.  America’s history of War, Sports, Criminal Activity, Immigration, Hollywood and a music medley from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond are all included.  We also pay tribute to the four branches of the military.  TMI can patch into your existing system or provide the necessary equipment to accommodate your facility.

_DSC5139_fullresolution_2016 New promo for American Parade J&G

Welcome to a bit of  American History  by way of… song dance, storytelling and of course…America’s musical heritage!  welcome to…_DSC5045_color_small

An American Parade!

*To schedule a show call Galen at 480-326-2181 or e-mail him at

*If you are not local and would still like to consider bringing in a show, arrangements can be made.  We can provide the tech and files necessary to patch into your system and simply need to come in early to work with your tech/sound man for a brief rehearsal to prepare for the show.  (Ask for details.)