Theatrical  Ministries Inc.
501 (c) (3)
All Contributions are Tax Deductible

Video Productions

Video Productions/Upon Availability

With the ever-increasing desire of the church to do video/television productions, Theatrical Ministries is excited to offer, in conjunction with 7 Stars Global Studios, this wonderful opportunity.

Some things to know about 7 Stars Global and why Theatrical Ministries is working with them to bring quality video productions to the Body of Christ

1. They are a Christian owned and operated organization who understand the spiritual components and objectives of the church.

a.)They have a tremendous amount of experience working with churches having been part of various crusades, outreaches, concerts and other church and Christian related events.

2. They understand God’s anointing and how to flow with the types of
things that take place in church related events.

3. They have worked a great deal with church volunteers and understand
what it takes to help create an atmosphere of professionalism so that objectives are reached and quality is maintained.

4. Combined, they have more than 40 years of experience in both audio
and video productions.

galen and friends
5. Please note, outside of church services services, video production is available in schools, buisnesses and any other organizations desiring this service.

video photographer

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