Having successfully produced these shows in the past 2014 season, they are now available for re-production. The 2015 year is a rebuilding time to produce and make available another show using a similar concept: The Gospel According to John. (See New Shows) If you or anyone you know is interested in re-producing any one of these shows, please feel free to contact Galen. The music, visual files and scripts are all available and ready for your use any time. In the meantime, may God bless your every effort for Him!
Appreciate the suggestion. If anyone or any organization has a desire to create a performing arts ministry program or produce a production for any sort of outreach, let them know. For churches and schools with the technical capabilities, (Screens/Pro-presenter) the re-production of several of these shows is now more possible than ever. (My e-mail is on the home page.) Thanks, and God bless!
Appreciate your suggestion. Do you have a background in production? Are you currently involved in any type of Performing Arts Ministry? Did you view any of the trailers on the home page? There are also several music bytes and sound bytes laced through the site as well as a slew of other video clips. If you get a chance, check them out and I would appreciate if you shared this website with anyone you know who might be interested in what it is that TMI does. Thanks, and be blessed!